On Saturday, PE Bob attended the Pre-President Elect Learning and Development (PELDs) session in Dandenong. This event provided an opportunity to meet other Presidents-elect from this District and to gain some insight into what the role of President will entail. The facilitator for the session was Carol, in her role as D9815 PELDS leader, and Stephen provided IT support. In the coming week, Carol will be heading to Sydney, where she will be co-facilitating the train the trainer session for Rotary South Pacific Region. Well done to Carol and Stephen for taking on these roles and our best wishes to Bob as he formulates his plans for the coming year.
Also on Saturday evening, four Club members, Murray, Heather, Bob and Jenny, enjoyed the ‘Colour Their Lives’ Gala Ball in aid of the DG Partner Project. The money raised, in the vicinity of $19,000 was a tremendous result. Funds raised by DG Partner Leanne will go towards providing a specialty nurse at the Monash Children's Hospital Cancer Centre to administer stem cell treatment that aids recovery for the young cancer sufferers.
Another interesting event this week was a visit to the Siri Guru Nanak Darbar temple in Officer on Monday. Marg, Ian and Jenny attended this night, organised by the Rotary Club of Casey, and very much enjoyed the experience. There is no doubt the Sikh community do a wonderful job providing humanitarian aid to those in need, such as distributing over 5000 grocery kits during the pandemic. Other initiatives such as planting 2600 trees around their temple are part of their environmental thrust. All the visiting Rotarians enjoyed a tasty vegetarian meal, luckily not sitting on the floor which is the usual practice. A visit to this temple may be an interesting outing for our Club at some point.