How quickly the new year, and the buzz of activity of our Rotary work, has descended on us! I hope that all our members and friends have enjoyed all the festivities of Christmas and New Year and have had time for some relaxation as well.
There is much to look forward to in our Rotary work in the months ahead. Many of our ongoing social activities and fundraising events will resume in the next week, and our weekly meetings at Tosaria Restaurant will provide a host of interesting speakers. Our monthly Friday BBQs will commence on Friday January 17th, muffin deliveries to Foothills Community Care will resume on Thursday February 6th, Knox Nocturnals first session for 2025 is on Friday February 7th.
Several other dates of particular note:
- Sunday March 2nd ‘Clean Up Australia Day’
- Tuesday March 11th Rotary Information Night at Tosaria Restaurant
- Saturday March 15th The Holland Festival at Caribbean Gardens, where we will be once again in charge of ticketing.
It is worth noting that several of our projects that have been partly funded by grants, from either District 9815 or by RAWCS, have proceeded over the last few months and several have been completed. Details can be found in the tabs for Our Projects.
Finally, the Rotary signature project of End Polio Now is continuing with vigour, although the eradication of polio in Pakistan and Afghanistan is facing many challenges. For an interesting update on the situation, check the tab under Our Latest News.
Wishing you all a healthy, happy and productive 2025
Daryl has been a Rotarian for 34 years, having been a member of two other clubs. In 2004 he became a Charter Member of our Rotary Club at Rowville-Lysterfield.
He has held many Club roles, notably being President three times, twice at Rowville-Lysterfield. He has also held roles at District level including being District 9810 Governor for 2021-2022, and the MC for numerous Conferences and events. Daryl is currently the District 9815 Chair of Youth Service, overseeing our District’s 10 Youth programs which involve people from primary school age to young adults.
Daryl’s passion in Rotary is Youth Programs and he has helped found many Earlyact Clubs (Rotary in Primary Schools) and Interact Clubs (Rotary in Secondary Schools). He has been instrumental in the organization of a yearly Interact District Assembly Day each year for the last 15 years, providing leadership skills and networking opportunities for hundreds of Interactors from across Melbourne.
A retired educator and former head of school, he is a committee member of Military History & Heritage Victoria (MHHV). In addition to being a published author in the field, Daryl has convened and addressed numerous military history conferences.